Pifano::Config GuidesGetting Started

Getting Started

This guide show you how to use the pífano config.


Add the gem to your project:

$ gem add pifano_config


Creating a configuration file

To create a configuration file, you need to create a class and include the PifanoConfig::Mixin module.

require 'pifano_config'

class MyAppConfig
	include Pifano::Mixin

	# Define your configuration options here
	config.on(:development) do |config|
		# Define your configuration options for the development environment here
		config[:my_option] = 'pifano dev'

		# You can also define nested configurations
		config[:database] = {
				adapter: 'sqlite3',
				database: 'db/development.sqlite3'

	config.on(:production) do |config|
		# Define your configuration options for the production environment here
		config[:my_option] = 'pifano prod'

		# You can also define nested configurations
		config[:database] = {
				adapter: 'postgresql',
				host: 'localhost',
				database: 'my_app_production',
				username: 'my_app',

Using a configuration file

After creating your configuration class, you can use it to access your configuration options.

MyAppConfig.config.environment(:development)[:my_option] # => 'pifano dev'

Setting the environment

You can set the environment using a environment variable:

$ APP_ENV=development irb

irb(main):001:0> MyApp.config.environment(APP_ENV).my_option
=> 'pifano dev'

irb(main):002:0> MyApp.config.environment(APP_ENV).database[:adapter]
=> 'sqlite3'

Done! Now you can use the pífano config in your project. :smile: